What the Dixie Team is Grateful For…
- By Aleah Radovich

When we stop and think about what we’re grateful for as a company, so many things come to mind. But what we realized we’re most grateful for is our incredible team – we wouldn’t be where we are today without them. So this year, we wanted to share some “thankful thoughts” coming from our team members. We asked them what they’re grateful for this year. Read their responses to get to know the Dixie team, their story, and what they’re grateful for this Thanksgiving.
Amanda Lang
Laboratory Manager
To think about what I am thankful for this year isn’t as difficult as I originally thought. It’s good to take time and put things into perspective every now and then. Especially during these holiday seasons, with a new year approaching and another year in the books.
Sometimes, I wonder why I am not where I thought I would be in life. But life doesn’t always go as planned, sometimes we encounter struggles and hardships that ultimately teach us something new and force us to grow stronger. I feel like I have had a lot of “growing stronger” moments in my life. But those experiences made me who I am today and I am thankful for that.
I am thankful for my drive to fight, my discipline, my determination and for that, I owe my parents. I am very thankful for my supportive family, I don’t know where I would be without them. My family includes my dog Layla, she is hiking buddy and always ready to explore with me. I am so happy I gifted myself with her for my 30th birthday 3 years ago!
I’m so grateful that I live in such a beautiful place surrounded by mountains and nature. Thankful for my adventurous soul, my willingness to get my hands dirty and my desire to travel. Finding yourself and doing what makes you happy. Not caring what other people think of you. To being brave and following your heart, taking chances and standing up for yourself.
I am most thankful for how far I have come.
- Amanda’s hiking buddy, Layla
- Amanda loves being surrounded by mountains and nature
- Amanda is grateful for her adventurous soul & willingness to travel
Anthony Carroll-Martinez
Production Associate
First and foremost, I am thankful for the unconditional love and support that I receive every day from my family and my peers, regardless of the occasion, but also for being part of the future of cannabis.
I’m fortunate enough to wake up every day and appreciate what I have and those who inspire me. I’m blessed to be able to produce records for and with the people that will make a difference in the future (even if it means sacrificing sleep and keeping my fiance up all night in the studio with lil doobie) and blessed to have the ability to shed light on what others may not see, especially if it pertains to cannabis.
I am thankful for all the knowledge and guidance that I have obtained in my life, for being able to make something out of nothing, and making things count when it matters in the end.
- Anthony and his fiancé
- Anthony kickin’ butt at corn hole this summer
- Anthony (center) with the Dixie team
Chris Moder
Product Development Specialist
I’m grateful for being able to help build the ship and watch it sail. Grateful for the opportunities and inspiration that both Dixie and the industry has provided me over the years.
Something I take for granted is sometimes I forget the size of the impact that medical and recreational legalization has had, and the historical significance it carries.
- Chris and his family
- Chris with his dog
- Chris loves working on cars in his free time
DJ Sachs
Vault Tech
This year, I am most grateful for my wife and three children and the love and support they give me! Without them I wouldn’t be where I am today. They drive me to do the best I can each day so that I can provide for them in the best way possible.
My wife supports me in my work in the cannabis industry along with my music career outside of Dixie! Without her having my back I don’t know where I would be today. She is the constant motivation and drive I need to make it through each day!
My children are the biggest fans of my music and push me to show them the core values they need to be successful in life. With that the biggest thanks I can give is to them for giving me the drive to work hard for each one of them each and every day!
- “Outside of work, relating to the music inspires me to keep doing.”
- Chris and his three beautiful children
Doug Ball
Quality Assurance Tech
It’s been a great year! Family and Friends are what I’m most thankful for this year. It’s been especially great working with everyone at Dixie. We have a great Quality-Packaging team and have accomplished numerous undertakings, including a few production and sales records.
Going forward, things look bright and exciting and I can hardly wait to embark on the challenges that lie ahead. It’s going to be great!
- Doug always has a smile on his face!
- Doug at Dixie’s annual crawfish boil this summer
Irene Torres
Quality Assurance Manager
What I am most thankful for this year is being able to marry my loving and supportive husband, and my “furbabies.”
What I am grateful for here at Dixie is having an amazing manager (compliance director) who challenges and guides me every day. My manager influences me to do the best job that I can. Brian has created an environment where I feel empowered to make a change on my own and to improve product, process, and procedures. My manager allows me to have open communication that is honest and direct, resulting in me feeling like I am heard. I am also grateful for my amazing Quality control team. They have overpowered every single challenge that has been thrown at them this year. They continue to grow and become a stronger team every day.
- Irene took the Dixie team to Civic Center Park in Denver on the hottest day of the year to pass out sandwiches and cold water
- Irene and her manager, Brian
- Irene rocking her Dixie gear