Can I use my Medical Marijuana recommendation in other states?
- By Aleah Radovich

A question that is being asked more frequently is, “Can I use my red card (Dr. Recommendation) for medical marijuana in other states?” I’ve been on the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry for years now and wanted to know the answer to this question as well. So, I decided to do a little research. It might come in handy next time I decide to take a vacation and could possibly influence where I go.
The quick answer is yes, several states have ‘reciprocal agreements’ with other states for certain licenses, the most common being a state issued driver’s license. The term ‘reciprocity’ refers to a mutual exchange of privileges, recognizing the validity of licenses granted by another state. While a driver’s license is recognized in all 50 states, not all states with medical marijuana laws recognize out of state patients. The following seven states currently recognize out-of state MMJ cards: Arizona, Delaware, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire & Rhode Island. With Nevada having the most liberal reciprocity policy in the United States.
NOTE: An important thing to remember is that when you are in another state that recognizes your card, you must abide by the regulations for that particular state including possession limits.