What It’s Like to Work In Production

What my friends think I do: I’m sure my friends think my job is some kind of weird hybrid crossover of Pineapple Express and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. What my mom thinks I do: Sit around in a grow with a tie-dye head band on, passing a peace pipe and singing the Banana Boat Song while I trim. What society thinks I do: Clearly, I move marijuana in and out of a top secret underground bunker while wearing sunglasses to avoid being recognized and brought in for tax evasion. None of these are entirely accurate. So what does Production actually do? The short, sarcastic answer is that we “produce”, but with such a vague term trying to encompass such a broad range of skills, it doesn’t tell you much about what we actually do. In reality, we do a little bit of everything. If you work in the industry, you can surely sympathize, but if you don’t work in the industry, let me explain. Production employees show up mainly before the sun comes up. Those that arrive be...

The New Yorker

Although some banks are willing to open accounts for cannabis firms, they charge about ten thousand dollars a month in fees. “No other industry has to pay fees like that,” Perino said. Tripp Keber, who produces Dixie Elixirs, THC-infused drinks, said you need “delusional confidence and patience to get through this.” Delusional Confidence? A Report from the Marijuana Investor Summit...

How Production Methods can Influence Product Ingredients

Shellene Suemori, director of science and R&D at Dixie Elixirs & Edibles suggests production methods may actually alter the sativa, indica and strain attributes. Suemori says, “Due to many processing techniques, most of the terpenes that people associate with strain-specific attributes are largely lost before the oil is incorporated into an edible. If not lost in processing, many will be lost during the making of the edible (especially if exposed to heat).” Smoking vs. eating pot — why is the high so different?...

ACNA Holds “Nurses Education” Night in Colorado at Dixie HQ!

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A night of cannabis nurse-ology

The future of cannabis is upon us; officials in Washington gave out marijuana seeds, everyone is talking about terpenes and… Bethany Frankel.  Often leaving long-entrenched medical advocates overlooked with profits associated with recreational legalization. Advocates, businessmen and medical practitioners who are bold enough to talk about and prescribe cannabinoid therapy over traditional narcotic therapy face persecution and skepticism from all fronts. Yet as the tides of public opinion continue to turn about medical cannabis, following recent public support from high profile figures like Richard Branson and Sanjay Gupta, public support is often spreading faster then public knowledge about safe cannabis consumption practices. Brands, doctors, nurses, veterans and advocates alike are all on the frontline of the medical cannabis movement. Fighting to educate the masses and brake stereotypes about cannabis nationwide. One of the leading organizations fighting for the cause of ca...